state-of-the-art GPS location technology
to report the real-time whereabouts of family members
Real-time location updates to keep everyone coordinated and to keep our members safe every
Keeping in touch with friends and family has never been more important
Amigo360-Find Friends, Family
In today's world, it's more important than ever to stay connected with loved ones. Amigo360 provides a platform for families to stay connected and share information easily and securely.
Features - Amigo360

Manage Circles
Members can manage circles easily to Add or Remove from the existing circle.

Over Speed Alerts
Circle Members will get a notification Alerts when a member of a circle vehicle exceeds the set speed limit.

Location Shares
App uses your location data to send notification when enter or exit a place and amigo360 app shares your location data with family & friends on the request approved by you.

Personalized Location Save
Save your family’s top Places like home, work, and school to get notified as everyone comes and goes.